Creative BraYns

Creative BraYns Contest 2025 • 3rd Edition


from September 16th to 20th (11:59 pm)

The application is now closed

The beauty of Neuroscience

The BraYn Association is sponsoring the Creative BraYns award. We are looking for artistic images depicting the fascinating side of neuroscience research. Applicants are encouraged to share evocative pictures spanning from the microscopic scale (cellular and subcellular levels) to the macroscopic world (from lab environments to landscapes), through the hidden beauty of electrophysiological recording traces and all other inspiring neuroscience-relatable subjects.

Applicants must be registered for the BraYn 2024 Conference Registration here) and must be a member of the BraYn Association (New/Renew Membership here)


  • The applicant must attend BraYn Conference 2024 and be over 18 years of age regardless of age, gender, or nationality.
  • The applicant must be a member of the BraYn Association.
  • The applicant must attend the BraYn Conference.

The application must contain the following documents:

  • Image file in .jpeg, .jpg or .tiff format (resolution 300 dpi or more, 20 MB max dimension);
  • Image description [ here ] reporting the image title (up to 200 characters) and the image description (up to 150 words) covering both technical description of the image generation and its relationship to neuroscience (.doc or .pdf);
  • Image usage disclaimer [ here ].

Files must be sent to via upload tool.

Incomplete or late (received after the deadline) applications will NOT be considered for selection. Applications must be submitted by email to (the use of tools like is suggested). The deadline is September 20 August 9th, 2024 h 11:59 pm (CET). The Executive Board of the BraYn Association will evaluate the applications and select the images that will be voted by all the conference attendees. The three most voted images will be announced publically during the last day of the 7th Brainstorming Research Assembly for Young Neuroscientists 2024.

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